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How to pitch your
Krytpon Tent

Don't get caught out! Read our instructions and tips for pitching your Krypton tent before your first adventure


Locate a reasonably level area that will drain well during rain. Ensure that the area is free of sharp objects that could damage the tent floor. Ensure the area is not subject to falling branches or rock etc.

If you have a footprint, lay it on the ground, shiny side up (there is a label on the footprint indicating which side should be up).

Unfold the tent and spread it out with the floor down. The Krypton is integral pitch so the inner and fly are attached to each other and there is no need to set up in the inner separately and then apply the fly.

If you are using the tent in high winds ensure the front (pointed end) of the tent is facing into the direction of the wind as this is the strongest part of the tent.

Anchor the point of the nose into the snow using a peg. This will ensure, if there is a strong wind, that the tent is secure. 

The Krypton has three poles: one major spine piece with a hub on one end and two shorter pole sets, one with a bend in the middle and the other being shorter and straight. 

Unlike other Mont tents such as the Moondance range and the Dragonfly, the Krypton uses a combination of pole sleeves and clips for the pole attachment.

Assemble the poles, being careful not to let sections snap together hard as this can damage pole ends, and ensure the sections are engaged properly as breaks can occur otherwise.

The major spine pole should be the first piece to be inserted. Starting with the long straight section feed the pole into the pole sleeve starting at the square end (Opposite to pointed end). Take care when doing this to ensure the pole sections do not separate.

Ensure you only push and never pull, this will stop the pole sections separating.

Continue to feed the pole all the way to the front of the tent and ensure it is sitting snugly in the black reinforced pole sleeve end.

Leave the tent and the pole flat on the ground – do not engage the pole pieces into the eyelets of the tent yet.


The next longest pole piece with the bend in the centre should be inserted next. Insert this piece into the pole sleeve closest to the front/pointed end of the tent. This sleeve is open on both sides of the tent, it doesn’t matter which side you insert it from. Do not engage the pole pieces into the eyelets yet.


 The last and smallest pole piece can be inserted into the pole sleeve running transversely through the middle of the tent.

Again, the pole sleeve is open on both sides of the tent and can be inserted on either side.


Once all poles have been inserted the first piece to be engaged is the major spine pole by inserting the forked poles on the square end of the tent into their corresponding eyelets.

Engage the bent pole running transversely towards the front of the tent. Insert one side into the corresponding eyelet on the tent and then engage the pole by inserting the other end into the corresponding eyelet on the other side.


Engage the centre pole running transversely by clipping each end into the small clear plastic clip. 


On the square end of the tent there are two yellow plastic clips on each side. Clip these over the external forked pole pieces. 


Tension the tent by tightening the webbing on the side release buckles on each corner. Adjust and tighten the fly in place being careful not to over tighten it. Peg out the vestibules, and other points on the fly as needed.


Peg out the corners of the inner, this is very important, especially if it is windy.


In windy weather, you should peg out the 3-point-attachment guy cords. These guy cords are multi-directional and self-adjusting.


On Mont Tents you will find 3-point attachment guy cords. These guy cords are fitted in such a way as to prevent tangling while not in use.

To utilise these guy cords correctly follow these simple instructions.

 At the top of the guy cord arrangement, you will notice a metal ring over a plastic toggle. Unhook this metal ring from the toggle.
 Follow this unhooked cord to the base of the fly, you will find it threads through a loop of fabric. Unthread the cord from the fabric loop.
Extend the guy cord, secure with a peg and tension with the grey cord tensioner.

 The metal ring mentioned in step 1 is only for holding the guy cord up while not in use. Do not use the metal ring while pegging out the guy cord.