Thinking your tour through in its entirety as best you can helps to formulate a realistic & achievable experience. Due consideration will identify weaknesses which can be averted allowing you to maximise your day & increase your safety margin. Contingency plans are a must allowing you to have a Plan B if required & cater for unexpected accidents, illness or mechanical failure.
Many considerations are interconnected & will adversely affect one another so a mishap in one area could become a compounding problem.
The following points are not a gear list but some of the considerations when planning for a backcountry mission
It is very important that aspiring backcountry enthusiasts undertake tours that suit their skill level, journeying not far from the trailhead & making a point of debriefing their experience & processing the results. As skills, knowledge & experience develop their safety margin is increased allowing them to undertake more complex tours.
Hurry slowly alpinists... How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!
By Mont Ambassador and backcountry guide Doug Chatten of Snowy Mountains Backcountry
Have you got an adventure story and photos of a recent trip with Mont gear that you'd like to see on our Blog? Then please send it to with the subject line "Adventure Story for the Mont Blog". Please note that we get a large number of submissions and cannot post every story.
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At Mont, we believe in supporting events that encourage people to embrace the natural world, challenge themselves, and connect with like-minded adventurers. Mont has been the sole sponsor of Kowen over the 6 years since its humble beginnings, providing flags, bollards, marquees and infrastructure, a market stall to provide the best trail gear, nutrition and mandatory kit. And donating incredible prizes, including Julbo’s newest, top of the line ultra-light glasses – Ultimate Cover Reactive 0-4. The lucky recipient being one of first in the country to own a pair.
In a world that moves fast, finding time for adventure can feel impossible. But what if the solution isn’t in grand expeditions, but in small, intentional escapes? Micro-adventures—overnight or short trips into nature—are the perfect way to reset your mind, recharge your body, and reconnect with the wild, all without taking time off work.
The rugged beauty of the Tyndall Range, with its towering conglomerate peaks and dramatic cliffs, offers some of the most thrilling and scenic climbing in Australia.
It just might be the most beautiful climbing venue in Australia.